An endowed chair or professorship are two of the highest academic appointments that Texas State and the McCoy College of Business can bestow on a faculty member. It is an honor to be the holder of a named endowment and an enduring tribute to the donor who establishes it. There are many who benefit when you create an endowment for faculty. Texas State benefits by having access to resources to recruit and retain the highest-quality and caliber of faculty. Great institutions attract the best minds, foster impactful research, and engage faculty, all of which attract the brightest and best students. Because a faculty endowment lasts for the life-time of the university, literally thousands of students will be benefit. They have the unique opportunity to learn from the best teachers and scholars and go beyond textbooks to incorporate lessons of innovation and discovery. Business and society benefit from the creation of new knowledge through research that is made possible through these endowed positions. This creates a synergistic relationship among corporations, faculty, and students working together to inspire creativity in today’s competitive, global economy. Ultimately, donors receive the satisfaction of contributing to the transformation of the McCoy College and having quality faculty at Texas State to shape the future of business education and knowledge.
An endowed chair allows the McCoy College to conduct a national search to identify and recruit highly acclaimed faculty to join the McCoy College.
Existing faculty enjoy the opportunity to collaborate with these renowned scholars and push the frontiers of discovery and education.
Students have exposure to great minds in the field of business, and the robust academic environment in the McCoy College is enhanced and expanded.
Currently, the McCoy College has Four endowed chairs:
Jerry D. and Linda Gregg Fields Chair in Business
Jerry D. and Linda Gregg Fields Chair in Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
Dr. Eugene E. Payne Chair in Business
Dean Denise T. Smart Endowed Chair in Business
Funds generated from the endowed chair can be used to expand and enhance the scholarly activities of the holder, support student involvement,
and support salary to name a few.
Endowed professorships make it possible to retain exemplary McCoy College faculty. Professorships are awarded through a competitive process and selected faculty are appointed for a three-year term. Currently, the McCoy College has ten professorships across various business disciplines. Funds generated from the professorship can be used to expand and enhance the scholarly activities of the holder, support student involvement, and support salary to name a few.
Scott Emerson Family Professorship in Business
Sam Barshop Excellence Professorship in Entrepreneurial Studies
Stephen Gregg Sr. Excellence Professorship
Brandon Dee Roberts Excellence Professorship
Dean Paul R. Gowens Excellence Professorship in Business Administration
Garland Hunnicutt, Ph.D., Professorship in Management
Tom and Jo Roddy Excellence Professorship in Finance
Darren Casey Endowed Professorship in Business
Scott Emerson Professorship in Business Administration
Dean Leland Wilson Excellence Professorship in Business
Lu Montondon, Ph.D., Professorship in Accounting